[Straw Plays] L.A. Noire - Part One (Upon Reflection)

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

L.A. NOIRE (1).png

Today I finally start with a new game and it wasn't easy to choose what to go with. After finishing up with Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, I started going through all the new releases trying to find something good. Right now there aren't really that many good single player games and most of them are co-op multiplayer. So I went back to my good old Steam library looking for something I've purchased in the past but never got around to playing and there it was. L.A Noire has been waiting for me to play it for years now.

L.A. NOIRE (2).png

This game has been recommended to me countless times through the years and as a fan of Rockstar Games I don't really know why I never got around to playing it. The game is fairly old and sadly only runs on 30 FPS (unless you install a mod which I did). It looks way better than I expected from such an old game and the gameplay and story so far are amazing.

L.A. NOIRE (3).png

We get to play as an officer in the LAPD in the 1940's. There's a lot of crime happening at this time and we are here to crack heads and solve cases. I like the investigative part of the gameplay a lot and the combat seems fun too. So far I haven't noticed anything that I don't like about this game and I hope it stays that way.

We'll continue with the game tomorrow and see where our next case takes us. See you then!


 2 months ago  

The typical game where you crash a car and people walk normal as if nothing had happened lol, this game if that is similar to GTA, although I am very attentive to the fact that it is of cops, driving those cars if that became very striking for me.

Haha yeah isn't that how it always is. It is a bit similar to GTA I guess except you're playing on the other side of the law yes lol. It's fun so far.

It's always good to rummage through our libraries before opening the wallet, luckily I had been buying games for a while and with the increases of Steam Argentina it is no longer possible for me to buy them but I have enough to try. I think it is excellent that there are still lovers of old games and even more a community behind that makes mods to keep them alive.

I totally agree. I went on a buying spree way back and I still have a bunch of games I've never even launched. If it's a good game there will always be a community creating mods and trying to keep the games alive which is amazing.

I saw that RockStar was giving away this game through GTA+, did you purchase it?

I purchased it years ago from Steam actually. Was only a couple bucks though if I remember correctly.