[Straw Plays] Lost Judgment - Final Chapter (Part One)

in Hive Gaming5 months ago

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We have reached the point of no return. After this we will not be able to do any side missions until the game is finished. We also got a nice warning letting us know things will get crazy from here on out. It all starts with Ehara's appeal. We need to somehow convince this guy to admit to the murder which won't be easy at all. His plan is to make the justice system look stupid and he won't be able to if he admits to murder now.

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Yagami gets to play lawyer again and we team up with Saori-san to do so. Luckily we have some help from friends to manage all this. You'll see in the video how it all goes down but it took a lot of work to figure this one out.

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We also got to save two schoolgirls today which was cool. You'll never guess which girls that ended up in trouble. RK really going crazy in this one.

I decided to make the finale two parted since it's 3-4 hours long. The next part will be live tomorrow! See ya then.


 5 months ago  

To think that you have finally made it this far in this game...seems that soon enough you'll finally be free to give your own tale abut this long story and then be able to check out the new Like a Dragon stuff recently released :)

With how I've heard so many good things of the Yakuza games stories even in the spin-offs, I might not be able to take a good look at the events now since, despite how I'm not usually this reserved to take a look at modern game spoilers (I got impatient yesterday and gave a glance to some Tekken 8 endings since I don't know when will I ever be able to try the game out in matches, let alone actually have it playable at home whenever I want to do arcade runs), the Yakuza games I have somehow managed to stay relatively if not completely spoiler free since...I honestly cannot remember anything particular that would have been like one.

So, whenever I can get to play this sometime in the future, or maybe even just buckle down and go check out your playthrough from the beginning (I wonder if I have to watch the Judgement one first to have a grasp on Lost Judgement's story/not get spoiled) to at least see the gameplay and story unfold as if I were playing it.

Haha yeah it was a long ride. Had so much fun with this game that I feel sad that it's ending now. The new Like a Dragon looks awesome as well. Definitely will have to buy that one soon.

That's great though. I also try to avoid spoilers as much as I can and even when deciding to buy a game I try to refrain from watching any gameplay just so I can experience without knowing anything the first time.

Definitely check it out if you want. In my opinion it's easily the best series I've done and that's mostly just cause of how amazing the game is. I would say it does make sense to play the first game before but you don't have to. There are some references here and there but mostly from what I've heard this studio makes all the games standalone so you can jump into any title you like.

A good time can be had by playing such games. When one sees that many interesting things are happening in these games, one is very happy.