[Straw Plays] Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Final Part (End of the Line)

in Hive Gaming2 months ago


It's been a while since my last Let's Play video but I am back again. Sadly I had to take an unexpected break from gaming right before the ending of this game. It didn't feel right to not finish it though so here is the final part of this game.


As always Uncharted goes out with a boom and this time it comes in the form of a lot of crazy firefights, chasing down a train and trying to defuse a bomb. All this to try and get our hands on "the tusk".


Feels a little better now that we have Sam with us and it's not just annoying Nadine complaining all the time. Although I could just as well have been alone since they are useless in a firefight. They just run around chasing you and barely even try shooting anyone.

Feels nice to be back to gaming again though and I can't wait to get started with the next game. Still have to decide which game it will be but I am sure I'll find something until tomorrow. I'll see you guys then. Hope everyone is doing good!


 2 months ago  

Man, this game looks amazing, I loved the landscape you captured, it looks amazing, I don't know why but it reminds me a bit of tomb raider, I thought it was funny the part where you unintentionally pressed the button again and fell into the void, inexplicable gamer moments lol

It does feel a little bit like Tomb Raider for sure. It's an amazing game so far and I had a ton of fun with it. They did an amazing job with the landscape and there were many WOW moments when I would get to a new area.

Haha yea that happened quite a lot this episode. Funny way to get back to gaming and a reminder why it's so much fun.

You're back!!! Not only that but you finally bring the final part. It's been a long trip huh? hahahaha. I missed seeing your posts. Greetings!

Hahah yeah it took a long time to finish this one. Greetings man! Feels good being back again.

Sometimes it happens with some games that it takes us too long to finish hahaha. I think I tend to try more than I finish. xD

Haha yea I used to do that a lot but now that I do these videos I've started finishing a lot more.

hahahah is a good technique XD

Yoo! Welcome back :D

Thanks :D Feels good to be back.

Ohhh Straw where have you been? Is it alright to say welcome back?😃

Haha it's definitely ok to say. I've been gone for a while but I am back now and I'm here to stay.

Welcome dear, it video is very interestingly.