TSTournament Gods Unchained Coverage & Commentary: Round Two Featured Matches

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


The Souper TSTournament is underway and TeamStreamTeam is happy to present live coverage and commentary provided by @bonkthat, @themudman, and @cautionfun! Watch our competitors vie for their share of the $1000+ prize pool in these featured matchups from Round Two, and keep an eye on the TST YouTube page for more coverage throughout the tournament!

First up, we have TST's very own Freedan up against Regente, who is competing in his first ever TSTournament! Regente chose his domains in a timely manner, and flexed that competitive advantage throughout the matchup. Freedan ran into a buzzsaw on this one, and Regente sent a message of intent to the rest of the tournament field!

Next up, we have an early contender for matchup of the tournament! LCHammer, known for his most successful meme decks and his peerless deck-building creativity, ran up against ClutchHS in what was truly a battle for the ages!

This back and forth matchup featured value-oriented games, games dictated by board presence and capturing tempo, and a little bit of influence from RNGeezus. These matches are truly everything you could ask for from a competitive perspective, and will certainly be revisited for weeks to come! If you want high-level decision making and deckbuilding condensed into an hour long video, look no further!

Our third featured matchup saw Alymere duke it out with AznBoyPMT! Alymere pressed the Leech Life Nature vs. Aggro Deception matchup advantage with precision and prettiness, and closed things out quickly in game two with the notorious Shadow of Lethenon + Dark Knives combo to move onto Round 3!

And last, but certainly not least, we had a battle between two Gods Unchained Content Creation Heavyweights as CopperPitch took on Lion! Lion took the initiative winning a game one mirror match, as both players opened with midrange Nature. Bent, but not broken, CopperPitch switched gears and came back with a vengeance in game two, putting in a clinical performance with Soul Burn Death Zoo. The final matchup saw CopperPitch swing back to Nature, against a Light Zoo list from Lion, in a fittingly close finale between these two pillars of the Gods Unchained community.

That concludes our Round Two coverage of The Souper TSTournament! Keep an eye out for more coverage of the later rounds coming live on Twitch, and subsequently posted on our YouTube page.

Join the TST discord here: https://discord.gg/ATKFNHG3PU to stay up-to-date on all future streams and featured matchups, and to take part in our free-to-enter TSTournament Prediction Games, and you could win yourself some $HIVE!

Check out https://teamstreamteam.com/merch to help support the squad, and drop a follow on our team's HIVE page for more top-quality Gods Unchained content!


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