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RE: Carrier of Stony Roads! TFT - League of Legends

I remember Dota also had these odd little yournament things that they held. It's much the same. Had to get all the prizes.... It makes games like lol and dota alot more fun because it's a break away from the original base game


Dota and LoL are very similar. These prizes will be really fun. I'm going to open a lot of orbs like in my previous post. Thanks for stopping by dude

I really want to start playing it again. The thing is I feel like it requires a certain amount of dedication...

Etc I can't really play once a week and expect to be winning games left and right.. Out of practice out of play kind of situation

Games like LoL or Dota unfortunately require dedication. Yeah, you can play a few games for fun but they'll probably be bad and if you have a competitive spirit it will bother you. I wish I had much better internet and we could play on the same server. I can only play TFT outside of Turkey server because my internet is terrible haha.