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I still go back every now and then to play with a friend or two online. It kind of never gets old. I do prefer coop though because I have never really been a fan of vs play in just about any kind of game.

The good news about your purchase is that it is very unlikely to expire anytime soon. The Koreans have seen to it that the servers stay active, even for SC1!

I would actually love to coop this baby... I should ask a friend or two of mine... This might be off title.. But I want to coop company of heroes aswell.. Also a great game.

I can't believe people still play SC1?? Well it was just as good at the time... Probably better!.. Great titles will never die!

i think they still play SC1 because some people out there think it is a more "pure" game. If that sounds confusing just know that I don't really know what it means either. I suppose there were some people that got really really good at SC1 and weren't down with mastering the 2nd one so they just stuck with it.

Yeah I can think.. However I don't think that much was added to the game? Perhaps a building or two and a unit or three... And major graphics and storyline updates?

But then I have no clue I never played SC1..

Haha more pure.. Well I you're right I dont know ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ suppose we leave that for the koreans

I think one of the main reasons is that in original SC there were no units that could climb up a barrier or wall whereas in SC2 every faction or whatever they are called has at least one. In SC1 your units that could just go anywhere were normally really expensive (like a battlecruiser) or were very weak (like a wraith)

Makes sense yeah.. Lol you sure know your SC ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚..

I've likely put more time into the SC games than any other. Actually, I know that is the case. To me they are about as perfect as games get.