Bo' Rai Cho's Brutal Victory: An Epic Mortal Kombat Battle.

in Hive Gaminglast month

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It's another great gaming day for me and my friends, playing Mortal Kombat game, and we really wanted today know who the boss his, and we had to call a friend to be the judge of the match after I have defeated him last wee. This time he is making use of a great fighter named Emrac, and I am making you of Bo'raicho. Ermac has a great skill and potential and also known for his teleporting skill which he can use to combat anyone regardless of who you are.

We decided to choose our fight, and then we made use of Sky Temple. We started the game, and Ermac won in the first round, which was so easy, and I just had to try because of the skill he has. I encouraged myself to remain focused, so I would defeat him in the second round. Luckily for me, I won in the second round, and the final round was superb, and I used bo' raicho to win a brutality game. And this was possible because bo' rai Cho is the master of all Mortal Kombat fighters, so sometimes he proves to be a master indeed to them. It was a fun time indeed. Enjoy the gaming journey.

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