Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part eighteen

in Hive Gaming29 days ago

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Glowing sea is not safe

Those buildings used to rest after the fight between the Gunners and Child of Atom members.. the loot had ammo and caps, plus some weapons but what was now the more exciting part, is not far from those cabins was the Glowing Sea which is exactly where Arghrash ended up as he wanted to.

"Well here goes nothing. This is going to likely be dangerous but I will give it a few shots and see just how well I go out here" he claimed as he popped some rad-x due to the extra radiation over time and then headed out.

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The direction headed saw some bloatflies chilling over a small patch of water and with the combat rifle out while using V.A.T.S, the first bloatfly only managed to get a small shot of sticky web like stuff on him before getting blown apart.

Blood spurt out from the bloatfly and then it just crumbled to pieces and Arghrash turned to the other for a quick disposal and a spark in his eye.

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After the easier fight with the bloatflies we see it nearby turn into a rumbling in a ground and this is due to a radscorpion almost taking him out from underneath.

But luckily, keeping the movement going and avoiding it let Arghrash start laying the laser rounds into the tough creature. "How do you like this hey? Some laser to cripple you? It looked like he was going to get the upper hand but this radscorpion managed to quickly scuttle in and finish him off!

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Back in the glowing sea sees the bloatflies fought once more but during a radiation lightning strike in the distance, just lighting up the area crazily, it is so bright but the aim is true as they are quickly taken care of once more.

Just like before after moving off to the side for vengeance against the radscorpion, it had come from underground but managed to get him this time and take a big chunk of health away.. "Ouch dammit that hurts! I better get quick smart away from it and attack" Arghrash thought as he quickly ran a short distance before turning around, laser fire being pummeled into the radscorpion which took half its health, before it burrowed again and killed him.

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Note: From this point forward the graphics and quality should look even better. This is where I had issues with my old PC and couldn't play, then picked up where I left off on my new PC and with some extra mods including more texture ones.

This time upon reaching the glowing sea entrance the caution was there as Arghrash chose to head for the radscorpion right away, at least the area it should be.

After eventually noticing it's stinger just over a hill a shot was taken to lure it and when he felt the rumbling get close, he backed away and threw a molotov to weaken it before attacking for more damage which got it down to halfway and was looking promosing. It scurried up quickly to get in range and before long had taken those couple hits to defeat Arghrash once more.

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For a break from this tough fight and to explore what else he would run into, diverting the direction saw a group of three Bloodbug which all were weakened down but up close, they are a menace due to their unusual movements.

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With more caution and slower movement while heading further south there was a broken few renmants of a building. At this point it was raining and the fog had picked up a little but he went and explored it which was a mistake, two radscorpion's got the jump on him and quickly took Arghrash out.

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"I will kill both of them off next time I just need to actually be ready with grenades" said Arghrash as he went and found some ghouls to kill before heading back to face the two radscorpion's, gaining some additional experience.

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Once he was back to the area and had quickly baited them above ground, a grenade had been thrown and after backing away it exploded to do some nice damage.

A molotov was used next while they were side by side which did even more damage as the laser rounds were unleashed. Eventually both were able to be killed off which brought a massive sigh of relief, "About time I was able to kill them but luckily I had that grenade hit a good spot" Arghrash said upon taking a rest just outside the glowing sea area as he will be back later to quickly take out the bloodbugs, to get the experience and upgrade skills.

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This was Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part eighteen. Be sure to stay tuned to see what crazy things happen next and how Arghrash goes with surviving.

You can find Lone Madman in the Apocalypse - Surviving the Fallout 4 Wasteland - Part seventeen here

All screenshots taken are from my playthrough of Fallout 4 on survival mode.

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