Retro Review Blaster Master - NES Classics

in Hive Gaminglast year

Blaster Master is an action-adventure video game released in 1988 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Developed by Sunsoft, the game follows the adventures of a young man named Jason Frudnick and his experimental combat tank, SOPHIA III, as they explore a dangerous underground cave in search of the extraterrestrial reptile named Pluton. With impressive graphics, challenging gameplay, an interesting plot, and a long enough duration to keep the player interested, here is an analysis of this great video game.



Blaster Master's plot is interesting and well-presented. The story unfolds as the player progresses through the game and is presented through dialogue and cutscenes in the gameplay. The game's plot follows Jason Frudnick, a young man who discovers an experimental combat tank called SOPHIA III in an underground cave. Jason enters the cave to find his pet Fred, who has gone missing. However, he soon learns that the cave is inhabited by dangerous extraterrestrials and that a reptile called Pluton is in control.



Blaster Master's graphics are impressive for the time it was released. The characters and enemies are well-designed and animated, and the underground cave environment is varied and detailed. The use of parallax scrolling effects is particularly impressive, creating a sense of depth and movement. The colors are bright and vibrant, and the game uses a variety of visual techniques to bring the underground cave to life.

Character and enemy designs are interesting and varied. Jason's SOPHIA III tank is an impressive futuristic design, and the extraterrestrial enemies are terrifying and unique. The game's bosses are particularly impressive, with detailed designs and exciting animations.



Blaster Master is a very challenging game and requires a combination of platforming and combat skills. Players must control Jason and his SOPHIA III tank as they explore the underground cave to find tank upgrades and advance the story. The game features a weapon system that can be upgraded throughout the game, allowing players to customize their playstyle. Jason can also exit the tank to explore inaccessible or narrow areas. This change in mechanics is well-received by the player and adds variety to the gameplay.

Additionally, there are several bosses and mini-bosses throughout the game that offer a good challenge. Each boss has a unique attack pattern, and players must learn to evade and attack effectively. The difficulty of the game is suitable, providing enough challenge to keep the player interested but not so difficult as to discourage the player.



The audio in Blaster Master is impressive, both in the music and sound effects. The game's music is catchy and fits well with the on-screen action. The sound effects are suitable for on-screen action, such as the sound of the tank's weapons and explosions. Sound effects are also used to indicate boss appearances and to alert the player to nearby dangers.


As Jason explores the cave, he encounters supporting characters like Eve, a technical support robot that provides useful information about the terrain, and the Serpent Plant, a creature that can restore SOPHIA III's health. The plot becomes more interesting as the player discovers more about the extraterrestrials and Pluton and realizes that they must defeat Pluton to save the world.


The duration of Blaster Master is suitable to keep the player interested without boring them. The game has eight main areas to explore, each with its own set of enemies and obstacles. The player must find SOPHIA III tank upgrades to progress through the game. Additionally, there are a variety of bosses and mini-bosses that the player must defeat to progress. Overall, the game can take six to eight hours to complete, which is a decent duration for an NES game.



In summary, Blaster Master is a classic video game that has withstood the test of time. With impressive graphics, challenging gameplay, an interesting storyline, and a suitable length, Blaster Master is a game that should be played by any fan of NES video games. Although the game can be a bit difficult, the feeling of satisfaction gained from defeating a boss or completing a challenging section of the game makes it all worthwhile. Overall, Blaster Master is an impressive game that remains relevant and exciting for players of all ages.


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