How I missed the WOO 99 Second Sale on the hive blockchain ?

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

I usually write a lot or mostly about topics pertaining to crypto, blockchains and financial content.
Lately I am finding a lot of good projects that were started a while back are doing quite well.
A case in point is the Wrestling Organization Online or WOO game which has been in development for a while now and supported by the @wrestorgonline community.

Growing & Developing in the middle of crypto winter

It is wonderful to see projects taking this opportunity of crypto slowdown to grow and develop their projects and work on the details.
The way the WOO project is shaping up is commendable.

WOO general sale got sold out in 99 seconds!

Well that is the kind of news we hear when crypto is experiencing an uptrend.
However the community support and the investor support is so strong for the WOO project that its general sale sold out in a jiffy.

To mark this super quick sold out event the project has launched a meme contest.
The contest details can be found here

Here are some drool worthy prizes

Top 3 Prizes:

🥇1st - 50,000 $WOO + 5 Alpha Packs

🥈2nd - 25,000 $WOO + 3 Alpha Packs

🥉3rd - 10,000 $WOO + 1 Alpha Pack

Me being a big fan of MEME's have to put in my entry into the hat
So here is my entry


Final thoughts

WOO is a fine example of a P2E or play to earn game that is shaping quite well.

The key to a projects success is solid fundamentals and backing of the community that backs the project without which no project can succeed.

Every time a projects succeeds on the blockchain it gives tremendous hope and support to its investors.

Hope and success is something that we in the crypto space could make good use of at this point in time.

What are your thoughts about the P2E game segment?

Are there any games that you play or are invested in ?
Do share your views in comments below.



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