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RE: Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: A Bar Brawl Across the Realm

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

Ooo, man, I remember trying to download the demo of this back in the day. It was 1GB. That was more than most games, so I never tried it. Years later I got the actual game, and after a few crashes I found myself dying constantly in fights, until I figured out why the kick was there. This wasn't Duke Nukem's Mighty Foot, this was the Gravity Gun. I've been meaning to replay it with more focus on magic one day.


Well, you're proving my point that fighting fair in the game is for suckers. The magic is pretty fun, especially the fire and ice spells, as you can create a lot of opportunities with them, but using them purely offensive is not the most effective means of dispatching enemies.