I activate my Twitch channel with points to have STEAM gifts and much more for all HIVE gamers

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Hello Gamers, how are you? I hope you are feeling very well and well today, Monday, I want to start with this post where I share the latest news from Venap Games to reactivate the Twitch channel that's right, these days I have been reactivating my channel again and well it occurred to me to do a process Watch to Earn or something similar to call it something but for traditional gaming.

The idea is to use the advantage of the Twitch Affiliate and the channel points for the followers, the idea is that you watch the stream, interact, accumulate points, and exchange them for random steam keys of different categories, GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE.

The idea is to create a self-financing process with everything that Venap does in all networks, obviously including HIVE, that will help me maintain this new dynamic. Then I invite you to follow the Twitch channel, participate, and accumulate points during the streams.

Today I was playing Shatterline in its expedition mode and cooperative missions, the streams will be approximately two hours which will allow you to obtain a good amount of points that will allow you to reach the exchange.

I hope you like this dynamic and see them on the channel, see you.


That's interesting. Too bad I've never been a Twitch fan but good luck with your career as a streamer!

Hello, thanks for your comment. I'm also not a fan of Twitch nor do I plan a career as a streamer hahaha. Venap Games is a content creation brand and I create content for Venap. I think it's a way to turn the platform around, don't you think? Everyone wants to be seen playing but they give nothing in return. Thank you very much for your support in my publications ;)