Let's go fishing with Call of The Wild: The Angler (ING/ESP)

in Hive Gaming3 months ago


Hello Gamers, how are we? I hope everyone is doing well because today we are not going fishing. A few weeks ago, if I'm not mistaken, exactly 3 weeks ago Epic Games gave away Call OF The Will The Angler, a fairly realistic fishing simulator, very realistic I would say.


You know that I am not a fan of simulators, however, I was encouraged to download this fishing simulator, although it is not a big deal for my taste, I think it is a simulator that is very well done.


An interesting feature of this simulator is that it offers a vast open world of endless meadows that we can explore and fish in every stream we find.


It has online multiplayer, like a fishing MMO, where other players find themselves fishing, gaining experience, and adding XP to buy new fishing equipment, bait, and more. In addition, it has a small town like the center of everything, where you can improve your equipment and share it with other players.



As we continue exploring the different maps, we will find different fish and ways to improve our equipment. We will meet other towns and people that will expand our capabilities in the world of fishing.


In my opinion, the game doesn't have much more to offer, I think it is an extremely contemplative game, to relax and just try to fish. It is not my style of play at all, but I know many who like to enjoy simulators. Above my taste, I think that first the graphic finish is stunning, the nature is very well done, the character and those around him are well optimized and I did not experience any flaws when trying it. So, if you want a good fishing simulator, I recommend it. See you in the next post.




Hola Gamers como estamos? Espero que todos esten muy bien porque hoy nso vamos de pesca. HAce unas semanas, sino me equivoco, hace 3 semanas exactamente Epic Games regalo Call OF The Will The Angler un simulador de pesca bastante relista, muy realista diria yo.


Saben que no soy fan de los simuladores, sin embargo me anime a bajar este simulador de pesca que si bien no es la gran cosa para mi gusto, creo que es un simulador que esta muy bien logrado.


Una característica interesante de este simulador es que ofrece un basto mundo abierto de praderas interminables que podemos explorar y pescar en cada riachuelo que encontremos.


Posee un multiplayer online, es como un MMO de pesca, donde se encuentran otros jugadores pescando, ganando experiencia y sumando XP para comprar nuevos equipos de pesca, carnadas y más. Además de eso tiene un pequeño pueblo que es como el centro de todo, donde puedes mejorar tus equipos y compartir con otros jugadores.



A medida que sigamos explorando los distintos mapas, encontraremos distintos peces y formas de mejorar nuestros equipos. Conoceremos otros pueblos y personas que expandirán nuestras capacidades en el mundo de la pesca.
En si el juego no tiene mucho más que ofrecer a mi parecer, creo que es un juego sumamente contemplativo, para descansar y solo tratar de pescar. Definitivamente no es para nada mi estilo de juego pero se de muchos que les gusta disfrutar de los simuladores. Por encima de mi gusto creo que primero el acabado gráfico es muy bonito, la naturaleza esta muy bien hecha, el personaje y los que el rodean, esta bien optimizado y no me presento ninguna falla al momento de probarlo. Así que bueno si quieres un buen simulador de pesca te lo recomiendo. Nos vemos en un próximo post.

 3 months ago  

I claimed it too when it was free on Epic and will play later when I get more time. The graphics are just amazing!

 3 months ago (edited) 

I tell you, do it, tell me what you think? The atmosphere looks very good! thanks for your comment!

Who would have thought that a game would be created to give you some peace while fishing? Not to mention the exquisite graphics. Thanks for sharing this.

If so, it is an extremely meditative game to relax and just fish for a while. If you like this type of simulators, this one is truly exquisite! Thank you very much for commenting!