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in Hive Gaming β€’ 2 years ago


You know... I have never played DCROPS, but if I was planning on starting, I'd say this is an awesome tutorial of sorts, to really help a newbie, like me! From your post:

My Dcrops experience began in November when I joined a Telegram group called NAIJA METAVERSITY, which offered free tutorials on how to get started with Hive and its games. After successfully onboarding Hive, I proceeded to create a DCROPS account. As it happened, there was a giveaway contest, and I was one of the winners. I won an Average land with a wheat seed... yippe🌱

Seems to me, you were at the "right place, at the right time!"... I love the layout of your post, and of course, the addition of sources and citations at the end. I never want to upset anyone or make them feel like I question their abilities... but I always suggest doing this, because lord knows no one wants to be accused of plagiarism...


Thanks for sharing this awesome post with us... Hope you are having a great evening... chat soon at @theterminal!!


!LUV !WINE !giphy Awesome!

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@wesphilbin(2/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

O my God, i'm in tears just reading this right now😒πŸ₯Ί
Means alot coming from you Wes. I'm Buzzing as it is with the LUV, WINE... Thank you so much WesπŸ€—πŸ’œ
Yes Surely... I was just telling James the Terminal is THE ONE AND ONLY BEST TERMINAL on Discord.
The more the merrier, i'd be totally happy to be of service you should want to onboard Dcrops.
So so grateful🌸🌸