New Game On The Hive Blockchain - (My Early Review)

in Hive Gaming4 years ago


Screenshot 2020-08-04 at 15.23.12.png

Who is hyped for a new hive game!

I came across this today and had to try it out. In the game Rising Star you start out as a busker and must work your way up to rock stardom. How do you do this you ask? Well with playing low level shows and buying trade-able NFT cards that you can sell on the market. The market place is already active and I might have bought a vehicle or two to get my band moving.


The game is only in Alpha but it is fully playable and pretty impressive for the early days of development. The game play revolves around doing missions. Each mission has a time limit of how long it will take to complete and the rewards you will get for it. There is a chance you get a card when you complete a mission but you will always get starbits which is the in-game currency. I will go over those later but they are already on the market place on hive engine and do have some volume at this early stage. I bought some but saw some good deals on cards so I ended up getting those with the starbits.

You have an energy bar that goes down with each mission so you can't spam missions. It refills 1% every 5 minutes without boosts so you can just wait if you do not want to spend a single penny. There is also the option to buy coffee which shortens the time it takes to recharge or delicious cold pizza to bring you back to 100% energy so you can go back to doing missions. The cool part is you can find coffee or pizza on your missions and get a refill that way (though I have to question where the person fond this random pizza and why are they eating it)

You get xp and if you meet requirements like number of fans you can do bigger missions that reward more starbits. But even the first level one, illegal busking is not a bad way to start off and make some good starbits.

When you get enough fans you can get to new places on the map but I'm not there yet. I did make it to the next level mission and am doing that now as I type (I actually just got a lucky pizza which gave me 100% that I badly needed)


There are cards already being traded and they range from common to legendary. The cards up your stats permanently and some of them are pretty strong. You can get 1,000 of fans if you get a good vehicle or up your luck with a rare instrument. It is too early to know the value of the cards and people are just setting whatever prices they want. I bought some cards I felt were cheap that gave good boosts so I will see if that pays off later.


There are 4 stats, luck, skill, fans and income multiple.

LUCK: This increases your chance to get a card drop when you do a mission. It also ups your damage in battle pvp mode but that is still early in development.

FANS: Your fans are needed to do bigger events and shows. The higher events require more fans so you will need to get that number high if you want to do the higher levels.

SKILL: Once you pass 100 fans you start to get effected by ego and skill will help keep that under control. Why does that matter? Well the more ego you have the less starbits you will earn per mission. Since starbits are the currency of the game you want to earn as many as you can.

Income Multiplier. This stat has not yet been added to the game and will have a purpose later on.


The best part of the game is it free-to-play right now. You can go to and play the game now for free. You do not need ANY cards to start and you can do he busker mission as many times as you want. You even get free packs if you do 100 missions, 500 missions and 2000 missions. Yes that is a lot but its free stuff you can sell on the market or use to be a rock star. Maybe you hit a legendary card.

You can fully advance with the busker missions alone as they rewards starbits which could be used to buy cards on the market place for whatever stat you are trying to buy.

Oh and when you do achievements you get starbits so more free ways to earn.


This is the in-game currency. Right now you can buy it on the market or earn it in-game. There are ways to earn it so it will have inflation. It is way too early to tell you how the price will go. I hope they have a burn mechanism to lower supply and don't go crazy with inflation so the coin has no value. It is the same with cards, it is really hard to tell if they will have any value in the future so be careful and as always if you choose to buy anything only use money you can afford to lose.

All I can say is the market works well and I already bought starbits and cards with zero issues and am using them in-game right now. I spent only a few dollars and


One of the cool things is you can earn other currencies in game from people who give you missions from their pool. Right now there is a BATTLE coin mission for example where you earn battle coins for doing the mission.


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Okay maybe this is just me who finds this impressive but there is a timer that counts down on your tab so you know when your mission is done. This is really handy when you want to do other things like post on hive. That photo is my actually tab right now.

Check it out now and please use my referral as I get more starbits:


Welcome to Rising Star!

Great write up. In terms of inflation of the currency - we have no intention of "going crazy" with inflation. Currently you will see on the market that you can't even buy 1 million if you wanted to (and many people are trying to to get the "STARBITS Millionaire" card).
I know you can only take my word for this however I have been on STEEM/HIVE for over 3 years as @atomcollector and have built a large community of independent musicians who will tell you that my only goal is to make this game as rewarding as possible for everyone.

Did you know that if you post a link to this post in the #hive channel in our Discord you will get an entry into the weekly prize draw to win a 3 card booster pack?
You can post one a day to get a maximum of 7 entries a week.

Have fun on your journey to mega stardom!

Rising Star - Play For FREE, Earn Crypto & Tradable NFTs on HIVE!

That's good to hear about inflation. Your game is fun and I hope it really takes off, I'll be there to post about it. Tokenomics is so important and a tricky thing to master so I had to mention it but it is possible to make it rewarding for all players and I'm glad it is a priority for your game.

For sure!

I have been playing now for 1 - 2 weeks I think.
I started just missioning normally, hit about level 4 then bought a good person card for about 7k starbits, it boosted my up a lot especially when doing better missions, then after collecting starbits bought a vehicle.

Now level 15 and doing the second to last mission. It's quite well done for alpha and you can easily play while doing anything else, since it's click and click and done.

Yeah I like that I can leave the tab open and work on leo or hive

It is a fun game that need not take up lots of time to play and can be profitable. Works on mobile devices too. I am up to level 37 now.

Level 37 nice, I'm only at 7 right now.

Upvoted by HGC!