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RE: Two of the most difficult games I ever completed

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

Contra was extremely tough. I can still hear the sound that it would make when you would get killed and backflip in the process. I used to have a shirt on it that simply said "the code" on it. It wasn't this exact shirt but something like it


Anytime someone would recognize this code in public I knew that we would have a lot to talk about. Most people had no idea and it certainly wasn't a magnet for the ladies.

I'm unfamiliar with Dracula X but I am going to go have a look at those two battles on YouTube right now so I can get an understanding about your rage :)

ok, watched it. The YTers always make it look so friggin easy but I am sure that actually playing it is a very different experience.

 4 months ago  

The YTers always make it look so friggin easy but I am sure that actually playing it is a very different experience.

If you mean on playthroughs, then of course they do. Popular playthroughs tend to show how a full run from start to end, so in that case it needs to be one where the player can go through everything succesfully...but it doesn't mean that they didn't need practice to do it.

I guess that's one thing that sometimes calls the attention of people to live plays with streamers or V-tubers: Aside from their personality, they also show any struggle or reactions from players going through stuff the very first time or after repeated attempts.

I haven't still ever got around to editing a little something for my repeated deaths against Dracula, but I definitely had done something to represent my long struggle against Death in Dracula X- except that even then, there only were like two or three snippets of my actual reactions I used in that [two for immediate rage over getting killed by cheap shots, the last one for when I yelled my lungs when I finally beat that thing] compared to the unreleased one hour of silent button mashing and many moments of rage.

...It is kind of an interesting topic now that I lay it out like that.

Might be interesting to figure out how to put in proper words in a post- had thought in writing before about why sometimes people are compelled more about watching people play games [or just watch games being played] rather than playing them, at least in the case of stuff that you likely could play well or already played before.

I recall many times in the past where a particular boss in a game gave me so much trouble for so long but once I worked at it and figured it out, it became easy to me. The most recent example of this would be many of the bosses in Hollow Knight including the very first one you face. These bosses are extremely unforgiving and there is no hand holding in this game at all. I eventually beat that game for one of the endings but wow was it tough when you have no idea what the attacks are going to be and especially the various stages that a boss goes through as the battle goes on.

The point being that something that seems impossible or almost downright cheating becomes easy once you figure it out. I was at a friend's house recently and he had just started playing Hollow Knight and was "stuck" on the first boss. I kind of belittled him for giving up to easily and that if this is how he games, he is going to seriously struggle later on in the game. Anyway, I beat that boss on my first try even though I haven't played it at all in years. You don't forget!