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RE: Marvel Avengers sucks, even on PS5

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

This is my fair warning, do not play this game. You can watch my video to see how frustrated I became while forcing myself to endure the painful intro. I don't remember many happy moments.

Why force yourself into something that you do not like at all (or rather even hate) straight from the beginning?


I wanted to be able to give a valid opinion on the game. I thought maybe the slow intro would lead to something that was actually fun. Nope. I toughed it out, only to be let down by boring button mashing. I gave it a chance and finished the first level, but nothing more after that.

I have it a chance and finished the first level, but nothing more after that.

Well, this is not surprising, if there is no fun in this game. I am glad that you tried it in a sense that other people do not have to, because now they see that there is no fun in this game.

I went through the pain for my homies 🤣