It can happen - league of legends [ESP/ENG]

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

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Bienvenidos Gamers de Hive gaming. Puedo decir que hoy jugué de una mejor manera que ayer, con un campeón que está bastante bueno para este meta, pero el mental es una parte crucial en este juego, y mis colegas al no tenerlo conllevan a errores fatales, analicen la partida conmigo y desde mi perspectiva
Welcome Hive gaming gamers. I can say that today I played better than yesterday, with a champion that is quite good for this meta, but the mental is a crucial part in this game, and my colleagues not having it leads to fatal errors, analyze the game with me and from my perspective.

En un punto de la partida silencie a todos e intente enfocarme en lo importante, ganar la partida, tuve un desempeño bueno, lo llamaría desempeño decente, todos los jugadores de league of legends saben que nocturne antes de nivel 6 no es muy útil para gankear, mucho menos a lulu y jhin con su distancia... pero no le pondré el foco a mis aliados que me culparon por perder línea, esta partida fui top en control de masas y quien recibió más daño de los campeones (siendo así uno de los que murió menos de la partida de ambos equipos).
At one point in the game I silenced everyone and tried to focus on what was important, winning the game, I had a good performance, I would call it a decent performance, all league of legends players know that nocturne before level 6 is not very useful for ganking, much less lulu and jhin with their distance... but I won't put the focus on my allies who blamed me for losing lane, this game I was top in crowd control and the one who received the most damage from the champions (being thus one of the ones who died the least in the game from both teams).

Dentro de la partida tenemos varios puntos que destacar, en primer lugar el positivo control de medio (anivia) que me permitio moverme mucho mas libre por el mapa a diferencia de la partida anterior que les mostré ayer, pero la ventaja de la linea bot se destaco demasiado, lo que dificulto mucho la partida en la obtencion de dragones, dandole mas poder a quien ya es poderoso.
Within the game we have several points to highlight, first of all the positive control of the middle (anivia) that allowed me to move much more freely around the map unlike the previous game that I showed you yesterday, but the advantage of the bot line stood out too much, which made the game very difficult in obtaining dragons, giving more power to someone who is already powerful.

Minuto 12:14, salió dragon y lo podiamos hacer por el push de bot, de medio, y mi invado hacia la jungla enemiga, teniendo tambien en cuenta que Nocturne le gana 1 vs 1 a Wukong, logro derribar a Wukong y con la rotacion exelente de Anivia... pero llego la botline enemiga, mi botline no se movio, y asi empezo el desastre.
Minute 12:14, Dragon came out and we could have done it through the bot push, from the middle, and I invaded towards the enemy jungle, also taking into account that Nocturne wins 1 vs 1 against Wukong, I managed to take down Wukong and with Anivia's excellent rotation... but the enemy botline arrived, my botline didn't move, and that's how the disaster began.

Entonces acá me di cuenta que no contaba con todo el equipo, pero no importa... pudimos obtener una ventaja y no la aprovecharon, es mala suerte simplemente el que me emparejé con desconocedores de league of legends.
So here I realized that I didn't have the whole team, but it doesn't matter... we were able to get an advantage and they didn't take advantage of it, it's just bad luck that I was paired with League of Legends strangers.

Es este el punto de la partida que fue en declive, estaban flameando por el chat y yo respondí, hasta que los silencie a todos, y justo luego de la imagen que mostre, viene una mala decision mía de seguir la pelea buscando a Lulu y Veigar que aparecera luego, perdiendo asi la poca ventaja que obtuve dentro de la linea contra otros liners
This is the point in the game that was going downhill, they were flaming in the chat and I responded, until I silenced them all, and right after the image I showed, comes a bad decision of mine to continue the fight looking for Lulu and Veigar who will appear later, thus losing the little advantage I obtained within the lane against other liners.

Por eso y mucho mas, es que decidí darle honores a Anivia, y la bot enemiga, ya que stompearon y la ganaron (sin ayuda del jungla enemiga), pero cuando el roto yo saque ventaja en otra línea, que es algo que muchos jugadores no saben, es que los junglas no somos un segundo soporte.
For that reason and much more, I decided to give honors to Anivia and the enemy bot, since they stomped and won (without help from the enemy jungler), but when the broken one I took advantage in another lane, which is something that many players do not know, is that junglers are not a second support.

¿Qué piensan ustedes, gamers de Hive de esta partida?, espero haberles demostrado que juego decentemente, y que tengo la aspiración de seguir luchando hasta llegar a maestro y de ahí seguir adelante, pero no me quedare en diamante... Muchas gracias gamers y que disfruten de la partida.
What do you, Hive gamers, think about this match? I hope I have shown you that I play decently, and that I have the aspiration to continue fighting until I reach master and move on from there, but I will not stay in diamond... Thank you very much gamers and enjoy the match.

🔔More related videos coming soon🔔


ydaiznfts#1000 El club de Los Pelones TwitterTwitch

Thanks for reading, huge hug from ydaiz⭐

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It's a nice phrase 💫

Perhaps, but it's from a spambot. His habits are not excellent.

What do you mean? Ahh, I understand. But why does it comment on my posts? Is there a way to remove it?

I tried to have a civil discussion with them, but was told my first downvotes were the moral equivalent to a war crime, and further discussion also fell flat. I have been downvoting the spam as much as I can, and once their reputation falls below 0, it should be automatically hidden on most HIVE frontends.

War crimes? WTF... OK BRO, thanks for telling me
