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RE: Why Wargaming? I've started a Warhammer Army on a Budget!

in Hive Gaminglast month

Well met @walledcity! I have been playing Warhammer 40k since 3rd Edition, I took a gap between start of 6th and end of 9th, returning to play a bit of 9th and now 10th edition.

I have a vast Imperial army and I have A LOT of models that still need to get painted so I know that feeling!

I have joined our local Hobby group's Slow Grow event to force myself to paint my minis!

I shall add you to my tag list for 40k posts. Currently doing a review of datasheets in 10th edition. I also have a "Hive hobby fund" which I collect in HP which I will eventually unstake and spend on my hobby stuff!

Which reminds me... I need to do a post about that...