Farewell to HR at Kaybees

in Eating Out2 months ago

This year has been a year of farewells at my workplace. Many people have resigned for better opportunities. That's another story I’ll share in an appropriate work-life community later. For now, I'd like to share my eating-out experience from a couple of weeks ago on a Friday.

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Our HR girl resigned, and our group of friends at work wanted to give her a tribute and thank her for her service and the time she spent with us. With heavy hearts, we decided to give her a farewell treat. It was funny because I was talking about how many people we have had to give farewell treats to and joked about who would be left to give us a farewell treat when it's our turn. Initially, I didn't want to participate, but they insisted and convinced me to join their plan.

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Since it was Friday, I told them to go ahead and order whatever they wanted, and I’d be okay with everything. I planned to join them with another colleague after Friday prayers. After performing the prayers, we went to Kaybees on a bike. It’s a nice place to hang out with friends and family. I had already shared my experience at other Kaybees branches, but this was my first time at this particular branch.

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As you can see in the pictures, the place looks decent with a fine dining ambiance. It’s popular for lunch among corporate people, and their food tastes good. When we joined our friends, they had already placed the order—a fast food platter and a BBQ platter, which was enough for the six of us.

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The real fun started when we began talking about our HR. We consider her to be from the elite class. She’s not one of us; she’s rich, though she always denies it. I joked about how we were only pretending to feel bad about her leaving but were actually happy. I also teased her about how she was trying to look sad but was probably very happy to join like-minded people at her new company, where everyone would be of her class. It was hilarious to tease her.

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This is the real Video without any filter

After all the fun, we enjoyed our meal, which included burgers, sandwiches, broast, and kebabs along with tikka. Everything was up to the mark. Later, we enjoyed the complimentary ice cream. Overall, the experience at Kaybees was very nice. I hope this is the last farewell treat we give this year. I’m done with farewells.

The pictures were taken by colleagues, and I hate the filters that make my lips pink and my skin glow. I prefer genuine pictures. You can see the difference between the real me and the filtered me. They also made some funny clips of me using filters, which I’ve shared for everyone to enjoy. Cheers!


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oh wow with so many people leaving is it not good enough there? does that mean you will also soon say farewell O.O? food looks good haha

food was good and it is always at Kaybees, regarding my workplace, will share my thoughts in a post soon, maybe or maybe not, people have different minds and in this situation of inflation, everyone wants more and more or maybe I have different thinking , its too much complicated

i see fair enough TT. i guess that makes sense. with inflation tho wouldnt most want a bette rpaying job tho? :? have to feed the family

Yeah everyone looking for better packages but I have different approach