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The frog will probably jump in my pocket alone when she hears I am preparing her an amanita bath

will be jumping out towards the said amanita, ofc... sure thing, the frog will be delighted to have this special medicinal bath... once in her lifetime, maybe! ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ and completely for free, that does matter too! ๐Ÿ˜‚

btw, where are your new posts? probably with this long Christmas holidays you became a lazy bee (same thing with me!) well, its time back to work ;)))))

pps. are you in the know of this brilliant French cartoon serial 'Minuscule'?
do check it with your kidz if you didnt yet.

Aww , thank you for noticing. I was working on a project, identifiers of plants, clouds, etc for kids....and I've been slacking with Hive. Hopefully something will turn out of it...๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™‚
And as for Miniscule, we've seen it and we loved it. The kids haven't seen it in a while, thank you for reminding me this sweet movie, they might appreciate it more now when they are older :)
We also love studio Ghibli movies, Totoro, Spirited away ...have you seen any of those?