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RE: Sculpting Outdoor Garden Furniture with Clay, Sand, and Straw

in HiveGarden26 days ago

Cob is actually what we use here in the northern parts for buildings. Even when the weather is hot, the rooms are just so cool.
Oh, a little confession:
The picture of you smoothing the cob was so enchanting in my eyes, I had to save it on my phone. That picture speaks so much inspiration.


I love to hear that cob is what people use where you live! You are located in Ghana, right? Do you call it cob there or is there another word which people use as well as cob? Sadly cob is not a common building material anymore in the United States where I am visiting now but, it is still so useful!! And, as you say, it is great for keeping a house cool even in the hottest of weather.

Yeah you’re right, Ghana.

No, it’s we say clay mix and call the buildings mud houses.