Midweek Gardening / 週の半ばのガーデニング

in HiveGarden2 months ago

Lately, in addition to Sundays, I often do gardening on mid-week Wednesdays. Perhaps the warmer weather is awakening my gardening spirit 💪

I was on balcony yesterday partly because my partner dropped and broke a pot of a fig tree the night before, and I had to replant it. Figs are planted outside in Germany, but the one I bought last year was still a small tree, and the lady who was selling the tree recommended me to bring it inside for the first year.

Once I started gardening, I couldn't stop myself and decided to make herb seedlings; chives, cilantro, basil, celery, parsley etc. in cell trays. I put them in the entrance to wait for them to germinate.

This year I try not to plant too many varieties on my balcony and concentrate on herbs I use for sure, salad greens, bitter melons and 1-2 tomatoes. Oh, and sunflowers and strawberries... and I'm sure it will increase 😅

I decided to take pictures and leave notes on my iPad so I don't forget what I planted. It seems to be easy to make a note in this way. I will see.

I also started growing microgreens in the kitchen with a kit. I found the kit was sold for half the price when I went for a walk in the city. I am looking forward to it.

I placed it in the micro green corner in the kitchen.

It seems my daughter is about to catching a cold, so I'll see her and will be gardening at home for the latter half of the week 😉

🌱 🌱 🌱




今年は自宅のバルコニーではあまり欲を出さずに、確実に料理で使うハーブと葉物、ゴーヤ、トマトを1-2種類に集中して育てる予定です。あ、ひまわりといちごも・・・と増えていきそうではありますが 😅





 2 months ago  


You've been curated by @gardenhive on behalf of the HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY! We support gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome!

Wow! Thank you a lot. I'm happy that my post is curated 😊 Also I appreciate that you host the gardening community on Hive 👏
