Garden Journal, Harvesting in the Community Garden Plots

in HiveGarden8 months ago

Hello, hivers and gardeners!

Now that my garden at home is finished, it's time to finish the work in my community garden plots. I have flour corn, potatoes, and soup beans to harvest, along with some clean up work after harvest is done. I had dug up 1 row of potatoes there a couple of weeks ago, but I still had 6 more rows to dig. I had also harvested a few ears of corn a couple of weeks ago to see what they look like this year.

This picture is a view of my garden plots from the gate in the big fence. Mostly what you see is dried up corn stalks right now.


Here's another view of the double plot from inside the garden, looking across another plot that is not mine. There's a lot of corn stalks in that garden.


I used straw to mulch the pumpkin plants last summer, and apparently they don't harvest the oats before they bale the straw. I have a bunch of oats from the straw that I will have to deal with.


Here's the garden plot that my potatoes are planted in.


I only dug up one row today because it's hard on my back, and I wanted to harvest some of the corn, which also takes some time to do.
Here's the results of digging the row. I had forgotten that I had both russets and Yukon Gold potatoes in this row. It's a decent harvest for one 10 foot long row.


After digging the potatoes, I picked corn. I filled up a plastic tote, and then decided that I had done enough for the day. Also I was hungry and wanted to go home and eat something.


the tote of corn wasn't as heavy as I was expecting it to be, probably because the corn is already pretty dry. I'm going to have to shuck it and lay it out on screens to allow it to finish drying. After it's dry, I can take the kernels off the cobs for easier storage.

I still have more potatoes and corn to harvest, I hope to get that done in the coming week before the weather turns cold.

That's all I have for this post, I hope you found it interesting!

hive garden banner.png


 8 months ago  

Digging up potatoes is such hard work! I always end up sitting in the dirt and using a handfork and my hands, but that's only good if the soil isn't super hard. I really hate that job!

it is a good practice to grow your vegies, thanks for sharing it is hard to maintain though.

You wrote that you only harvest mature corn for storage. But don't you preserve young corn for the winter?

I see that you are quite busy with your crops, that means that you were very successful with your crops 👏🏼👏🏼 Congratulations @amberyooper

Harvesting corn to me is the easiest so far in most of my garden work. My mum will always call me a lazy girl for choosing that. Digging up potatoes isn't for me at all

Hi, up to this day, I am curious if corn withers when they reach a certain age. Do they? I also saw your sunflower (^_^)

Sowing your not-so-wild oats, eh?

 7 months ago  

Have you ever eaten sweet potatoes? Sweet potatoes can serve as a substitute for regular potatoes, but it's worth noting that regular potatoes are easier to harvest than sweet potatoes. LOL