Money Plant : Starting my gardening in Dhaka

in HiveGarden2 months ago

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Hello Hivers
Gardening is my favourite hobby, when I was in my home town Gopalganj which is a district of Bangladesh, I had a garden and it was divided into two part. In one part of garden, there were many types of flowers plant such as marigold, rose, basel leaf, alovera and so on. Another part of my garden there was also some vegetables such as read amaranth , basil, radish, spinach , tomato holy basil which can cure cold and cough and so on . All those vegetables were cultivated to fulfil our demand.

But, now I cannot practice it. Currently, I am leaving at Uttara in Dhaka for my study purpose. Here I live in a small apartment sharing with my friend.My room has no veranda. So, I cannot grow plant. But I miss my garden.

So, I was thinking how can start gardening again and which plant to grow ? Then I come to know about money plant which can grow in little soil or water. And it also can be grown in indoor or outdoor. So today , I buy a money plant.

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I have bought my money plant for my room because it has so many benefits. Money plant will help me Purify the air of my room and it will help to reduce my stress and anxiety. It acts as anti radiator. It minimizes the radiation. In my room I have some electronic devices . So my money plant helps me to minimizes my room radiation. I will also get good oxygen from the money plant. It will help me to improve my sleep. It will keep my negativity away.

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I buy one money plant from the nursery and also buy a pot. I am planted the money plant in the pot. With the pot has a hanger. so I hang the pot on the window grill.

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Then I cut one branches and put it in a glass jar. which is actually a juice jar from the PRAN company. This glass jar is just only fill up with the water. It is enough for money plant it can survive.

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Another branch which is broken form the mother plant. So, I put that branches also in the glass jar. After few weeks I hope that broken branch will show root. During that time I can plant it in another pot or glass jar.

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I put the money plant in front of my bed. When this plant will increase more I will cut those branches put in different types of glass jar and gift to my friends so that they will be be benifited .


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Hope your house plant does well.. and that's cool you got a second one from the cutting.