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RE: Garden Journal Newsletter, 5th October 2022

in HiveGarden2 years ago

What I love about these collections? Is there is always someone NEW to discover, to support, to follow. Today I found @oniemaniego and I'm grateful. 😍

Feeling old? It passes. Hot soak in the tub and an early night. xxx


Glad to share about gardening minismallholding and artemislives! It a fun adventure learning something new out of the field each day. I'm like a student of Nature and the Universe!

I hope you don't find some of my previous and future posts as borderline conspiracy theory, those are just ires of a gardener surviving this era. wink

By the way, maybe you'll enjoy a warm foot spa with salt. It takes away a wrinkle at a time, jk ^^v

 2 years ago  

Looking forward to more of what you plan to share. 😉

 2 years ago  

Oh yes, definitely not one to miss. I've enjoyed every post I've read of his so far, although I probably haven't read enough of them.

Early nights are something I need to get better at.