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RE: Just call the guy

in HiveGarden2 years ago

I measure my time in how I organize my day. Between music practice, making an instrument, talking to my girlfriend and HIVE, I still have some free time to do anything. That's usually involves going on Instagram and find new ideas for the instruments or a way of making the job easier.

The whole thought process for the lawnmower is sound. It will actually save you money over time if you do it yourself, but it will cost you time. There's no way around that. When I changed sides and became a luthier, I started to understand a lot of stuff I ignored as a musician. This also led me to value manual labor even more. We take for granted so much and don't even see that a person is not only using their time but their health to get things done.


Or so is my perception.

I hope you find the time to get all those things done and also keep the garden tidy. Maybe catching a pokemon would help you keep things clean! 😅🤣