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RE: Learning to Design a Permacultural Forest Garden and Playing with differents Layers

in HiveGardenlast year

My favorite element in Permaculture by far is the work with edges and this is true within the initial design and later after the system has been laid out. edges are anywhere to be found, not only in forests but throughout the landscape. a terrace creates an edge, a waterline has edges, a road has edges and so on. every type of edge can be used in different ways depending on the features it offers. humidity can invite certain plants, shade, others that need it. an edge can be used as a windbreaker, a fire barrier, can provide ideal conditions near it for young plants that need them to establish. around a pond, the edge provide specific conditions for both plants and wildlife where they can thrive and benefit from it. in this specific case, the edge of an artificial water source can be enhanced and extended. while a round pond would have say a circumference of 10m., it could be greatly extended if we design a flower shape pond.
once the effect of edges is assimilated, it can never again be unseen or forgotten. it becomes a second nature and a great tool to work with through any bit of design in the present and into the future.
I share your excitement for this project !

and I would like to share with you this article that I really like and that is very relevant to our heritage here in Europe. I trust you will find this useful:
all the best.

 last year  

This is indeed one of the main elements to play with..! It’s funny, I’m currently reading a book about the place of boundaries in Japan, inside the buildings or more over the garden.. You can check it, the author is Ito Teiji :)

Mmh, I would love a flower pond like the one you’re talking about! Thanks also for that link you sent me, still need to go and see, but I trust you on the passionate aspect of it 😉

Take good care dear !