Blue's 2 Minute Garden Tips: Stringing Onion

in HiveGardenlast year

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Fall Stringing Onion

After drying your onions for a couple of weeks, to get the moisture out of the dry green onion stalks,, it's time for some long term storage. Many people BRAID their onions. They look good this way, but as a cook, I can tell you, braided onions are a pain to use, becuase you have to UNBRAID them, to get some onions.

Follow along as my latest 2 Minute Garden Tip (actually kinda like 3 and a half, but who's counting) shows you how to STRING up onion, without braiding them. Easy, and great for storing onion and garlic over winter.

Food Security, and also Food Safety are two of the biggest reasons for me growing my own food.

I like knowing that I am providing my own food for family and friends. I know what I use to grow the foods, and know that it is the ultimate locally grown!

And that makes me smile... better for the planet, better for my own family.

What are you doing to take good care of Mother Earth for Future Generations? What are you doing to take care of your family and friends?

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It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid22 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy Gardening and Cheers,

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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Very neat. I've never seen that done before but it makes a lot of sense. Much more compact than trying to find a bag to keep them in that cold get moisture in

well, you're really to blame!
All that talk a couple years ago about drying onions, etc... got me to thinking about growing more... and that meant, storing more... so, I had to learn something!

There is some blame I'm good with shouldering ... learning is good for the brain eh.

And we know, blame is not the real word... I am giving credit for a great life tip, to you!

thank you ... I had picked up the blame was a good way... that's why I was so willing to 'shoulder' it :)

 last year  

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Such a great tips on how you braid them into the string. Thanks for sharing @bluefinstudios 😊
Happy Wednesday 👋🏻

Always happy to share from the garden

Thanks, it’s cool to see things I didn’t know yet.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 131 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Cool technique 👍 I learn something new from your videos everytime.

Happy to learn from others, and I enjoy passing it along!

hehehe what a really cool way to keep your onions... and it's actually really very pretty!

nice job Bear!!!