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RE: Knowing

in HiveGarden6 months ago

More from the same author, same book, via his Instagram page:

Tone is the state of tension the tissues of the body are in. It exists on a polarity of either overly relaxed/loose and overly constricted/tense.

To describe this I like to use the analogy of a guitar string; if it’s overly loose it doesn’t produce proper sound and is floppy and sagging. Yet when it’s overly tight it also doesn’t make the sound it’s supposed to, but the pitch is higher and the string feels extremely tight as if it were about to snap.

This is a great analogy for the state human tissues can get into when imbalanced, and they're qualities that aren't expressed by the temperature and moisture qualities.

What I’m often looking at in terms of tone within people is the specific tissue types that are prone to either tension or relaxation (or looseness). This specifically afflicts the connective tissues, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system (especially tension).

Connective tissue anchors all of our organs in their proper place keeps our joints from hyperextending, and stabilizes our body in a variety of ways.

When the connective tissues become overly lax or loose, it enables organs to prolapse or fall out of place. The same is true for the smooth muscles which line many of our organs and vessels- when they’re overly lax fluids are less able to flow through them as easily, secreting organs aren’t able to squeeze as strongly to release their fluids, and in general their contractility decreases.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have the state of tension, which is seen as the connective tissues and muscles being overly tight, limiting movement and flexibility, increasing spasm and cramping, and reducing the size of the vessels and channels due to constriction. When this affects the nervous system, we see tension in the cardiovascular system and various manifestations of psychological, emotional, and physical tension.

Swipe to learn more about Tone and the Relaxant-Tonic Polarity within Herbs 🌿👉🏽