bringing LIFE back into this abandoned Italian garden

in HiveGarden2 years ago (edited)

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Dear Hive Garden friends!

I'm very excited to show you this video of my progress on the gardens - it has taken me a while to get focussed on documenting it, as there is just so much going on, and it feels hard to show it effectively through a lens,when I'm so deeply energetically and sensorially immersed in it!!**

Here is a wee snapshot though, walking down the steep marble steps, below our beautiful Via Dietro Gli Orti in Guardia Sanframondi, BN, Italia.

Today I was sweating quite profusely, cutting back some very strong ivy,which was more tree-like than ivy-like - and clearing a wee terrace that gives such a glorious shape to the garden terraces: from above and the street, you can see right through now - and I can even see from up on my balcony at the other end of the Via - a nice neat and clear view through,instead of impenitrable bushiness and jungle all around! Deeply satisfying - if rather dusty and runny-nose-aggravating!

I'll share more soon...

Blessings and love,

 2 years ago (edited) 

What an amazing garden with the view. I can see how risky it can get to work, though, not for the frail or faint hearted. I'm glad you survived your fall with no worse than bruises. It looks like it could have been much worse. I hope you haven't had too many scratches from clearing the brambles.

Managed to watch the entire video, just now. You have done and are doing an amazing job, Clare! Love it! I can't help but feel that the garden is extremely happy with your presence. It also inspires me to spend more time in my garden here, from now on.

Big hug!

P.S. The garden looks lovely but that mountain backdrop is pretty stunning too!

Aaaah, so glad you saw it, dear Vincent! And yes, isn't it all just magical! It's beautiful for me to be entering a phase where there's less hard slog and more sitting around wit cuppas and admiring the view, finally! Heaven...

As Belinda Carlisle used to sing: Heaven is a place on earth... ;<)

I actually really like that song ( 80s pop songs like these are one of my guilty pleasures )
