Bug Sh!t Plant Food updates.

Hey everyone 8 months ago I started a business growing mealworms (because thats what Bill Gates wants to feed us all to 'save the planet').. turns out it makes an incredible fertilizer too, their castings, not the actual worm.


I have run a host of experiments with bug sh!t on my chilli plants and the results really are astonishing.


Today I took a few pictures of the 17 blossoms on the Carolina reaper with bug sh!t relative to the none on the plant without. How incredible is this yield and plant growth?


Yes that's a sample packet of the product, it takes literally thousands of mealworms to produce such an amount of fras (bug sh!t) but luckily by now we literally have millions and accumulating more weekly.


Nature the incredible.

I trust you have a wonderful week.
Love, light and blessings.


I used to throw mealworm shite in the compost bin and it really helped when I eventually churned it all out into the plants. They grew as if they had mutated next to a nuclear reactor but they didn't glow in the dark 😉

ALSO: Bill Gates is a fuck tard!

Let's not go into why you really started farming worms - and that it has nothing to do with controversial figures and their bizarre theories - but I'm sure the #homesteading and #gardenjournal crowds will be fascinated by an eco friendly #offgrid composting. I doubt there are any chickens reading this that will appreciate a meal worm, what do you think @edprivat and @riverflows?

I still love you though xx