
Aww thank you so much! The secret of bigger sized carrots is in spacing. While carrot seeds are quite tiny, it is important to have space between each tiny carrot seedling that sprouts. If you leave too many seedlings in a bunch close together, they will have no room to grow unless you sow them in a raised bed where the soil is very loose, but even then there is no guarantee. I usually sow them in a line in the row and as they grow I remove a bunch of them leaving at least 5 cm gap between each individual seedling. I also hoe the surrounding soil in the row, but not too close to the carrots. It seems to make them happier and grow bigger after each session.

I will have to remember this next time I grow some carrots, because their spacing was rather tight. I sometimes have germination problems with them so I planted a bit to much seed and of course, they all came up. Will have to thin them next time