Has Anyone Tried Air Layering?

in HiveGarden2 years ago

I got a bunch of Rooter Pots in the winter and decided I would try them out on a couple of branches I needed to prune on the apple trees.

First on the Norland

And then on the Honeycrisp

I had to lash that one upright because of the water reservoir in the bottom.

I followed the instructions and cut a ring down to the cambium layer and stripped it off. I will go out and water it every couple of days to make sure the peat doesn't dry out and hopefully it will root before freeze up and I can cut those branches off and plant them in pots to put in the greenhouse for the winter.

I kind of thought of planting them in pots and throwing them under light for the winter, as they won't be doing any producing for a few years anyhow but I will have to look that up.

So I just thought I would ask here if anyone has tried this. I figure if it works, It will be a good way to make and save a few bucks whenever you need to prune your trees and bushes. I am going to try a few on the haskaps when I go back out.


I've never tried that technique but will be interested in watching your results.


I will be sure to do updates every time it seems necessary. I will do a post on the haskaps as well because I think they will be much easier than the apple.

Looking forward to seeing them!

 2 years ago  

Wow this seems like next level to me -I'm not even sure what it means!

It is just a way to propagate trees/plants.

Interesting way to get a new tree!

Haha, I hope so.


Hell yeah! Although I don't have such fancy pots, but some plastic wrapping does the job as well.
For many plants it's the only reasonable way of propagation. Cuttings never seems to work for me.

Oh that's awesome. I tried the plastic wrap a few years ago and it didn't work for me but I also didn't really have anything to go by on how the bark needed to be scraped off. I just took the knife and scraped instead of cutting and removing. I'm glad to see others on here trying it and succeeding. Thank you for the reply.

I've never seen that before; is the idea that you'll be able to prune the branch and it becomes it's own tree?

That is the plan but apparently sometimes it heals itself over with bark again. We will see how this goes. If it works I will prune below and then have a $50 apple tree for free. Well, for the price of the pots, which were I think $20 for 5. You can do it with plastic bags or anything that can seal the moisture in but these seemed easier and more durable. I have seen people use margarine or yogourt tubs as well.

That's an interesting experiment and it would be awesome to see how it works. We haven't tried any of that kind yet. Good luck :)

Thanks! Have you tried other things, like grafting?

Grafting, not yet :) Hope to try on our citrus trees - tangerine, mandarin orange and lemons are the only fruit bearing trees we have around here :)

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