A Bounty Harvest// My Hot Pepper Farm

in HiveGarden11 months ago

Sound greetings to everyone in the #garden community.
So sorry that this post have to come late to meet the July garden journal. Wish I had post it earlier than this.
Gardening has always been what I love doing although it have been long I posted in this garden community. Happy to be here writing again.
I made some harvest in my pepper farm. I have manage this farm for some time now, for more than a year now.
I started this farm from scratch and here today I have an amazing pepper farm that generate a lot of income for me through the pepper it produce.
Managing this farm has also not being easy for me, because some times the pepper plants face disease that almost wipe the entire farm.

Today I don't want to talk about pest and diseases which affect my pepper farm instead I will be talking about my sweet harvest in my hot pepper farm.
What every gardener want and expect after sowing his or her seed is to harvest after some time. And you know harvesting brings a lot of joy. First is because you planted it yourself maybe organically and you are eating what you planted.



Here is the farm where the harvest is done. You can see some of the pepper are yet to turn reddish while other have ripen well.
I was harvesting during the morning hour and I was at the farm until the afternoon, during the hot hour.


The farm produces a lot of pepper to harvest and I didn't wait collection them and putting them in a bag.
The pepper are looking so cool and reddish and the cool things about it is that the pepper is an F1 pepper. It is hot and very spicy.

My mum love cooking with this particular variety of pepper because of it nice aroma and spice. It's my mum's favorite 🥰.

So here I beg the whole pepper in a bag and in my way to the market. It was a bounty harvest for me.
Hope you enjoy reading about this harvest of mine. Thanks and keep on garden for a greener tomorrow.


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Wow!! so much greenery and such an abundance of peppers. I am amazed. Happy Gardening!

Thanks for the smooth words.

Yay! 🤗
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