my in law's garden

in HiveGarden2 years ago (edited)

Hello, all gardener friends from all around the world greetings and Hope you and your gardens doing well and having a good time with your family and garden work. For me, there is not much special to write about the November update. Winter is on the door. Heavy rain and heavy winds blowing so think about plants and trees. as we have a very small house and we are tenants we can't build any greenhouse and grow vegetables some few indoor plants give us good feelings, no sun short cold days, wind, rain, humid air, make body and mind very tired. But we have to accept nature and nature's rules. we can only wait for spring by going through the winter.
Today I am writing about my in-law's garden.
Before corona pandemic each year in the fall we traveled to the USA where my husband's family is. My father-in-law and mother-in-law had a very large house on the bank of a lake and a big garden full of vegetables, herbs and flowers. My father -in law was a very clever gardener even though he worked as a medical doctor. After retirement, he kept his hobby until he passed away a few years ago.
We were there mostly in the middle of October til the beginning of November.
We helped them with harvesting or planting purchasing new plants for fall indoors plants, moving plants from the garden to indoors, and cleaning the garden.

Many times I took some photos of the garden and flowers here are some nice memories from that time we spent there.


This is stunning ❤🌻

 2 years ago  

thank you.