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RE: Just call the guy

in HiveGarden2 years ago

I work freelance as well, which is best for me (I don't think I could ever do 9-5). Luckily, I write pretty quickly, so I rarely work more than 2 hours a day. I guess I'm measuring my time not by money, but by emotion. I'm trying to limit mind-numbing, automated activities like YouTube or Instagram scrolling, as I think that's actively making you more alone, isolated, and depressed. Instead, I'm trying to write my fiction, work on getting published, and spend time with my friends/family, or go out (which as you said, has its separate purpose). So if I've felt "alive" in a day, I count that day as well spent.

I guess I'm a big podcast fan, since a big focus for me is growth, and learning more, and developing my thinking, and they're great, 'cause I just pop one on in the background while working out or doing chores or whatever. Or I'll let some food cooking or sitting or whatever while I go and do some chores. I find this kind of multitasking to be very useful, though also more exhausting. IDK, I guess I'm just going by feel.