Exploring the small corner of garden 🪴

in HiveGarden23 days ago (edited)

Hey scrollers.🍀
Hope so you all are having a good summer.
Well, in my area, people are really suffering due to the heat and humidity.

Anyway, getting to the point, I visited my aunt's house a few days ago and saw her watering her vegetables and flowers in her small garden. I joined her as well. I have passed by this garden many times, obviously, but never really paid it much attention.

My aunt was so lovingly watering her garden and clearing out extra bushes that I became interested in exploring her little corner myself. She really look after the plants as her children.

When I saw my aunt's garden and the little flowers in it, it reminded me of @elizabethbit's blogs because she pays a lot of attention to wild herbs and similar small things that we often overlook, and she posts about them.

Well now i am going to share with you guys some clicks.

These are orange marigold and pink periwinkle flowers growing side by side like siblings and look so adorable with their vibrant colours.

These are Red Roses and Peregrina flowers. It is clearly evident that Roses are suffering due to the scorhing heat of sun. Despite watering them they looked so worn out.

This is a lush green Ficus Plant standing out at the center of garden like the guardian.

Now coming towards the veggies of this small garden.

It was my first time seeing how cabbage grows and how it looks with its leaves.My grandma plucked one piece to make a salad of it.

Next comes the baby Lemon plant sprouting its flowers.It is ingrown and still in process.It seems healthy too.

Can you guys take a guess of this vegetable.??
These are unriped tomatoes hidding behind the leaves.

I always mistook coriander as mint and mint as herbs and the process goes on but it was long time ago. Now i can tell that it is mint because i recognize its fragrance.I used to make mint margarita alot so now i can easy tell the difference.

These are green chilli plants with zero chillies because aunt recently planted these.

At last we have brinjals . They are so small because they are still growing.

My aunt is planning to grow more vegetables because homegrown vegetables have their own unique taste and are also clean. That’s why my aunt takes great care of them. I also felt very refreshed spending time with these plants because being close to nature has its own charm. It is always so soothing.

Here ends my little corner and blog too.
Take Care.


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Wowwwww ... This is such a beautiful and organic garden you have ! I am amazed to see that vegetables are ripening.

Yeah it's like a platter box with many varieties.And it's really fun to see veggies growing like kids.

I want to go visit your aunt's garden 😁🏡

You are always welcoMe.🌸

Such a lovely garden. A combination of flowers, herbs, veggies, and fruits! That's a complete package. :D

Yeah the mix of flowers, herbs, veggies, and fruits really makes it a special place.

What a beautiful garden, I would love to have one like that. Cabbage is one of my favorite vegetables, and those look fantastic. You have a very varied garden, congratulations to your aunt!

Thank you so much.Cabbage is our favourite too.And yes it's a diverse garden.

Beautiful flowers, but that cabbage 🥬 was so cuteee🤌🏻

I was also amazed at it when I got to know that these are cabbage flowers.

Your aunt has such a great garden with a variety of vegetables in it. It is always good to grow them at home rather than buying them from the market

Yes homegrown veggies taste really different from the market ones..!!

Wow, you have so many beautiful flower plants and also have a source of fresh vegetables. The Ficus Plant looks cute. @tipu curate 8

Yeah you are right .These plants are a source of fresh oxygen too..Thank you so much for your support.Means a lot..!!

Nice post, @inshalicous - it is always beautiful to hear of others who tend to plants with optimum care like this... so touching 🤲🌞 I hope your aunt's plants survive the scorching heat really well!

She is doing her best to keep the plants healthy and hydrated through the heat☀️🌱.Fingers crossed !!Thank you so much! 🌿 Your kind words mean a lot

Congratulations on your beautiful, productive garden. Dear, @inshalicious 😃

O thank you so much for giving your precious time🌸

Your aunt's beautiful garden is reminding me of my Late grandfather's garden. It reminds me of home🤎