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RE: A Temple Garden for the Mind & Spirit: Tam Pha Phlong, Chiang Dao in North Western Thailand

in HiveGarden2 years ago

510 steps? oh that's so many, for sure before reaching the end, you will stop to gain another energy. Those people who is not walking most of the time for sure will felt so tired on that steps.

I like the surroundings and it is really cool as the plants grow alongside.

Thanks for sharing it @artemislives.


Thanks for the support and stopping by, @jenthoughts Yes - 510 steps certainly is not something to be rushed through - and they're pretty steep in places. A bit like life, really. It's lovely that there are things to pause for, like the little bits of wisdom to ponder. It was deliciously cool and fragrant, not so much like sweet flowers but more so fragrant like wet leaves, moss and cool forest plants.