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RE: Mulching for a Drought-resistant Garden

in HiveGardenlast year

Mulching, oh now I know the right term to use.

I also learned about it from hive gardener here who posted that they don't remove weeds in their plants during summer or hot season so it could help retain the water in the ground. But they remove it when it is rainy season as weeds will grow fast together with their plants. I think it is also a way of mulching? Did I understood it right?

Putting those weeds being uprooted near in the plants could help retain moisture. Thanks for this information.


I would say, just leave the mulch even during the rainy season, because not only does it help the soil retain the water, but covering it will also discourage some weed (not all) from growing. More importantly, I would leave the mulch even during the rain, because gradually it decomposes into soil, and adds to its organic composition.

However, as always, it all depends on your region, your climate, and the types of plants in question, so it is always best to apply this general idea and modify it to the regional conditions, by observation and interaction.

I hope this helped. Please don't hesitate to ask, as I'm always happy to clarify. Thanks for stopping by! 😀

 last year  

Oh yes, now I understand when my late father told us to put those leaves or weeds near the plant and now I know the reason. It helps retain the moisture and it will turn into fertilizer when it decomposed. Thank you so much for the clear answers. I learned a lot.

Of course, always my pleasure! 👍 😄 🤓 🙏