Assembling The Poles For My Plants Plus Placing Them In Their Permanent Place.

in HiveGardenlast year


I've said in my past blog the other day that I prepared the area where I will permanently place my chayote and bitter gourd. But since the weather is really unpredictable for it rained for the rest of the weekend, that's why I have no choice but to stay inside our house because I can't affort to get sick now that I have so many appointments on my garden.

On sunday I planned to do the assembling but it rained early in the morning so before the rain got strong I partially assemble the poles and I got to put the four foundations in place. After that I went inside already because the rain got strong.


The weather is the same for yesterday plus we have no power for the whole day so I didn't have the chance once again to continue what I left. I hoped for a better weather and it came today. It didn't rain today but the sky is cloudy until now.

Before I continued the work that is meant to be finished today, I asked my grandma that we should harvest first the string beans that are good for us to have viand for lunch. She agreed to me and we went to the field to execute my third time to harvest.


We picked all the good string beans and after that we took a photo together. I was very happy because my grandma was very happy as she lift the basket that is almost full of string beans. Look at her, she really enjoys it.



I also harvested my chillies for the second time and here's what I got. I got also three ripe tomatoes from my plant and it's just a perfect combination for the dish for our viand.


I thanked God for our bountiful harvest again this time.

Because of that I made sure to finish the work for this day. So I started to assemble it immediately and my grandma said she will be the one to cook.

As you can see in the photos I attached all the needed materials in the pole using a plastic straw. I want to use a bamboo straw but I don't have anymore so that's just for temporary



I really made it that high because I want the fruit of my chayote to hang soon so that I can capture them in a good spot. Actually assembling it was just so easy because all the materials were prepared ahead of time already.


And this is the outcome after I finish attaching all the sliced bamboos.



After that I immediately transfer my chayotes and guide them in their permanent poles as you can see in the photo. I'm really hoping that my plant will bear many chayotes soon.


I saw a problem that might destroy my plants later but I can't do anything about it since they are still intact to the stem despite that they are old already. I tried to removed them but it won't budge.

So instead of worrying about it I continued to prepare the pole for my bitter gourd. The one I used in this was the end part of a bamboo which is very suitable for being a pole for plants that will climb later on.


I just made it look like a christmas tree by folding their end parts and attaching them to others. The end result is shown below.


After making that one, I immediately transplant my bitter gourd into it's permanent sack. I mixed rice hull and organic soil as usual and filled the sack.



I then tried to pull out the bitter gourd in the plastic bottle. I was a little bit nervous because I might damage it's roots but when I brought it out, it's such a relief as you can see from my selfie below.


Before I planted it, I took a photo of it's roots and I was really amazed how healthy they are. The organic soil is doing it's job.


Look at that.


Then I planted it already and watered it for it to be safe. While planting I hope and prayed that it will grow well and bear many also.


After that I made a ladder using bamboo ,ofcourse, where my bitter gourd will climb to it's permanent pole and this is what it looks like after putting it.


In the end I finish my work today and my plants are really happy that they are in their permanent place already. They may not say it but I can feel it.


With all of that happenings today , I hope that your day went well so far and I thank you for reading once again. You can support my content by hitting that upvote for more. I appreciate it. Arigatou.

-Plant,plant and you'll survive.
Jhero 02/28/23


You did a great job and for sure, your chayote and bitter gourd will happily climb up those you have prepared for them hehe. And you have had a lot of harvest, kaya super happy din si lola :) It's amazing when you pick the fruits of your own labor. I !LUV that you also recycle bottles and sacks and use them for your plants.

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 last year  

Really hoping po that my plants will grow well in those poles I made for them and will bear many fruits. It will take time but I know it will be worth it again just like those string beans and chillies. 😊.

I'm sure they will :) Your pepper plants look very healthy :)

Amazing job you did there! And look at those huge chillies 🌶️ Great harvest 💙

@jhero22! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fantagira. (1/1)

 last year  

Those efforts in taking care of them really paid off now. 😁 It's bringing a lot of happiness to me as I see their fruit growing bigger day by day.

And I’m happy to see you enjoying it. Here we still have winter, but in a few weeks I will start planting some first seeds 😁

@jhero22! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fantagira. (1/1)

Your harvest is bountiful indeed, those chillies and tomatoes are what I love so much. You did a great job making those bamboo for your plants to climb up them. I know how much work and time it takes to prepare sticks especially bamboo for plants to climb. Your hard work is definitely paying off for sure♥️