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RE: The greens of Spring

in HiveGarden2 months ago

Good afternoon dear friend @millycf1976
Without a doubt you have done a great job cutting the grass at your mother-in-law's house, it is great that you helped her with this task, in addition, being able to enjoy the natural environment in your yoga exercises.
The smell of cut herbs is very refreshing, it makes you feel in step with the universe.
thank you very much for sharing this experience
Have a lovely afternoon


Hello @jlufer

This task caught me off guard, but I'm happy that I decided to tackle it and I'll do more work so it's in top shape when she returns. It will be great for her to sit outside and relax when she returns from her cruise.

The smell of cut herbs is very refreshing, it makes you feel in step with the universe.

I like that!

Have a great week ahead:)))

Gill will undoubtedly spend beautiful afternoons in his garden, it will be a great surprise when he returns from his trip.
Have fun

Yeah, I think she'll be pleased 😊