My activities are in the garden and taking pictures of soursop fruit that are bearing fruit

in HiveGardenlast year

Hello hive friends all Welcome to meet again with joelibra in this greatest community. It's great to still be able to meet and make posts in this hive garden community, I hope that the friendly relations can be maintained on this hive platform.

On this very beautiful occasion I will tell you about my activities in going to the garden a few days ago and managed to take some pictures of soursop trees that are bearing fruit.

Hive friends that I honor
A few days ago, on Thursday April 6, 2023, I again visited my garden which is not far from where I live to see the condition of the garden. large and cover the plants in the garden.

Before I realized it was already noon and then I wanted to go home, but before I left the garden I approached a soursop tree that I planted in the garden a few years ago and now the soursop tree is bearing fruit but the fruit is still small and young. then I took a picture of the soursop fruit using a Samsung mobile phone camera and before I posted I edited it a bit with the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom application so that the picture looks clear and attractive.

Of course, our friends are very familiar with the name soursop fruit, because this fruit is very easy for us to find and we can get it either in gardens or the fruit is sold in fruit markets.

The first time I planted the soursop tree by sowing the seeds first and after removing the shoots I planted them in the place I had prepared beforehand.

Come on, my friends, let's see some pictures of the soursop fruit that I described above, I hope my friends like it.

This is a photo of a very young soursop fruit and unfortunately the young soursop fruit has a lot of black ants that gather and this is one of the pests that inhibits the growth of the soursop fruit.

This is a photo of a soursop fruit that is almost ripe and we can pick it in a few days.

and this soursop fruit is very clean and very healthy in its growth, there are no ants and fruit fleas.

and this soursop fruit also has a lot of ants and fleas which almost cover the soursop fruit and if there are no obstacles tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will spray it using insecticide so that the ants and fruit fleas can disappear and the soursop fruit will come back fresh and free from these pests

and this is a very healthy and green soursop leaf, and the people in the area where I live often take this leaf to treat several kinds of ailments such as treating back pain, treating shortness of breath, expelling cockroaches at home and as a cough medicine.

The picture above is a soursop flower that is still small and has just come out of the soursop tree branch and this flower is also not spared from black ants attack.
That's all I can write in this post, hopefully it will be useful for all of us and thank you for the visit and support from all my friends.
See you in my next post, of course, in this beloved community
Thank You
send regards for success

I wrote this post in Indonesian and I translated it into English with the help of Google Translate

about me
My name is joelkifli ibrahim, my friends call me by the name joel, on the hive platform I have the name joelibra, I came from the Indonesian state, the province of Aceh, I was born on April 21, 1978,

Besides working in a Farmers and gardeners , I also like to do natural beauty photography. I really like quirky and interesting things and natural beauty photography. On this platform I will share about the beauty of nature and other interesting things.
Thank you for your visit
Warm regards