Bougainvillea Bliss: A Year of Growth and Beauty

in HiveGarden7 months ago
I have been caring for this bougainvillea for quite some time now. It's been a year since my nurse friend gave it to me. In fact, they gave me two bougainvillea plants, each with a height of only 50 centimeters. Today, they've grown taller than me.

When I relocated it to a more spacious area, allowing its roots to spread and grow properly, I had already envisioned turning it into an arch once it reached a sufficient height.

All I need to do now is give the plant the desired shape to create a perfect arch and enhance its appearance. Then, I simply have to prepare the soil and apply organic fertilizer.

I am sure that when I fix it and make the bougainvillea grow better, people will visit us here again and they will all take pictures here. It's like it's going to be a tourist attraction again.

I'm excited because this is part of my plan to maintain the cleanliness of the back of my house. However, it can be a bit annoying because female teachers who live nearby often stop to smoke here every morning. The school is within walking distance from our place, which is why they gather in my resting area.

It's fine to have them around, but the issue is their lack of cleanliness. They scatter cigarette butts everywhere, and sometimes used tissues and paper cups are left on the table. When it's windy, it all ends up on the ground, and I'm the one who has to clean it up! It can be quite frustrating, isn't it?

 7 months ago  

It will not take long to create a beautiful arch. If I remember correctly they can grow very quickly in one season.

 7 months ago  

I actually finished it just yesterday! I've already created an arch for the bougainvillea. My hand hurts a bit due to its thorns. LOL

 7 months ago  

Oh no, I know that must hurt. I had one for a few years that I kept in a container pot and brought it inside during the winter. I often got a good prick from the thorns too. I am sure it will be beautiful and I can't wait for future pictures of it.

I love bougies! These are so beautiful, kapatid!

 7 months ago  

Salamat po... ^_^