The Strange Story of the Lemon Seed That Became a Tree

in HiveGarden7 months ago
Did you know that I have no intention of planting and nurturing lemon seeds to grow a lemon tree from scratch? Growing lemons is a lengthy and demanding process. Surprisingly, I managed to sprout a lemon seed in a small plastic container.

Lemon seeds can take varying amounts of time to sprout, and the process may be influenced by several factors such as temperature, humidity, and the freshness of the seeds. On average, lemon seeds can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks to sprout, but it's not uncommon for it to take longer, sometimes even a few months.

Growing lemon trees from seeds requires patience, as germination can be a slow process. It's essential to continue caring for the seeds and providing the right conditions while waiting for them to sprout. So this is why I don't want to grow lemon seeds.

May 23, 2021, marks the day I began caring for this lemon tree. I had no expectations that it would survive and endure, but in my heart, I simply wished to turn it into a bonsai.

Creating a bonsai tree is a fascinating and rewarding hobby that involves growing and shaping miniature trees to mimic their full-sized counterparts. While bonsai art can be quite intricate and require years of dedication to master, you can start with a simple approach to creating your first bonsai tree.

The first thing you do is Choose a Suitable Tree Species, Acquire a Young Tree or Sapling, Choose a Bonsai Pot, Prune and Shape the Tree, Repot the Tree, Wire the Tree, etc...

June 21, 2022, marks the age of the lemon tree, six months after I moved it. I've mostly let it grow naturally because lemon trees thrive in the heat of the sun.

At that time, I wasn't aware of the importance of pruning, so the only things I focused on were providing fertile soil and watering my plants.

October 19, 2023, shows the current size and appearance of the lemon tree I've been nurturing for over a year.

This time, I decided to trim the tree by cutting some of its branches, and I've also come to understand the importance of pruning. As part of this process, I've removed some of its leaves to encourage the growth of new branches and leaves.

Having learned the processes for nurturing plant growth and reproduction, I can now apply the same techniques to my other crops like peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants.

At present, my lemon tree requires nothing more than fertilizer and water. The one thing I'm eagerly awaiting is its flowering and fruiting, which would be the happiest day I've been anticipating for a long time. I hope to witness it during our stay in our rented villa, as we are uncertain about whether we will move or remain in our current location.

On October 22, 2023, I pruned half of the lemon tree's trunk, and I also trimmed the lower leaves slightly.

I wasn't very confident about what I did on that day, and in my mind, the outcome was uncertain. Whether it lives or dies, I'm okay with it. What matters is that I tried to see what's possible for a plant.

On November 7, 2023, slightly over a week after I trimmed its leaves and branches and removed the thorns from its body, I saw the positive results.

Now that I've achieved success with the lemon tree, I'm confident that I can apply the same techniques to my other plants, such as tamarind and mulberry. This approach can work for various vegetable plants, including squash and other trailing vegetables.

I'm delighted, and my lemon tree is thriving. I've also discovered that removing the thorns from its body doesn't adversely affect the tree even when it bears fruit.


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