My garden a place where we reuse

in HiveGarden8 months ago (edited)

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Hello to all the Hivegarden community, it is comforting to be back in this space where we share a common interest which is the love for nature and gardening. This time I join the weekly challenge of #CreativeGarden where we are shown an image with plastic bottles and from there we must develop the theme as indicated.

The world has been filled with so much plastic that has become a waste that can not be degraded in centuries, this is a fact that I do not think will change at least in several years, which is why we must try to reuse the plastic that is around us so that this does not stop in landfills or worse in the seas.

In gardening plastic is still used to meet some of the needs of the planting process, usually used bottles, bags, plastic containers for various uses such as: to delimit a space, as a watering can for plants, seedlings, pots, to store fertilizers, fertilizers and others, which is why the plastic can be of great help to the gardener and so we can help meet the rule of the three Rs of ecology which is: recycle, reuse and reduce, I think this will allow the reuse of plastic to reduce the volume of garbage already existing on planet earth.

Particularly at home we try to reuse the plastic that arrives, an example of this is that we collect the plastic bags where the flour, rice, sugar, salt and we give it a new use, in gardening we use it to plant seedlings with short roots that will then be transplanted into the ground when they have adequate development.

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As for the soda pots we usually keep in the fertilizers and fertilizers made by us, also with the soda pot you can make a drip system for watering some plants where access to water is restricted, it also serves as a seedbed or pot for planting plants with short roots which becomes a great solution for our garden.

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The plastic is also used to cover some crops in order to control climate variables, weeds, protection against insects and pests, through the realization of plastic microtunnels or greenhouses ensures better crop production.

That is why plastic is an element of great importance in agriculture is why it cannot be denied that plastic used in a conscious and responsible way instead of being negative can become a way to reduce some of the existing plastic in our lives, I know that many people do not agree with the use of plastic in daily life and I am also a supporter of that idea but as long as we keep getting plastic in the rice, flour, sugar we buy or plastic packaging for drinks like water or juices we will have to become aware and look for ways to reuse this resource that will always arrive in the packaging and find ways to reuse it.

I know it is difficult to migrate from plastic to renewable and organic materials but if you can change the hose that is used to water the plants or the water pipe for drip irrigation would be great and you should pass me the information to do it too, I know it is difficult to accept the bad guy of the movie that in this case is the plastic but he is the one that gives us most of the solutions in gardening and there is still no good that replaces it in all areas of use.


At home we continue to use plastic, especially reused plastic to have less impact on the environment because in my country we do not recycle or select the materials as in other countries, ending all these elements in nature, that is why if we reuse in my house we generate less environmental impact of plastic.

Well friends, if you have read this far I thank you, noting that this is my personal opinion on the subject and that I am not the owner of the absolute truth, I hope you liked it, see you until the next challenge of this beautiful community, see you soon.

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 8 months ago  

It's soooo hard to get our food WITHOUT it being in plastic. Here, you can buy bulk and buy your own containers, but that's not for everyone as it can be expensive or people don't have access to that. So what choice do we have? The only thing, as you say, is to reuse as much as we can, if we can't refuse it in the first place. Great post, and thanks so much for sharing!

In my country they don't sell food without plastic packaging, I have to buy my food wrapped in plastic, that's why reusing plastic is my only option.
I'm glad you liked my post. Thank you very much for your nice visit and valuable opinion. Greetings and blessings.

 8 months ago  

Thank you so much for your entry! I love the creative uses you have come up with for using some of the plastic that we cannot avoid using.


You've been curated by @gardenhive on behalf of the HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY! We support gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome!

Thank you very much for your support, yes, ideas come up little by little. Greetings and blessings