It's getting too tall so I need to marcot the branch.

in HiveGarden6 months ago


Greetings gardeners,

The rainy season is starting now and I know plants and grasses will surely be happy with it.

In our yard, I am also gradually cutting the big branches to grow new ones. However, there is one tree that I regret cutting because I find it beautiful, and I made too much effort just to make this rubber plant survive and grow when the time it was given to me by a friend. Because of that, I thought of just marcotting the branch. In this way in case it succeeds it will not be wasted and I might propagate a new plant instead.

Material used

  • transparent plastic bag
  • soil
  • knife
  • scissor
  • tie.

My rubber plant is too tall and because it is about to reach the power line, I need to cut it, so I will try marcot instead.

  • By the way Marcotting is a way of getting a clone of woody plant that are often difficult to root from cutting.


The first step I did was to prepare the soil medium in the plastic.


Second, I picked the leaves on the side where I will place the mascot. I only work on the tallest of the two and observe first.


Third, I made a ring on the bark of the branch using the knife.


Lastly, I covered the ring bark with soil and plastic the tied it properly.

And finally, I finished it. It was really difficult because my son was the only one who assisted me. The tree was tall, so it was hard to work and at the same time hold the branch to finish.

This is its situation now the branch has bent due to heavy rain.

Right now it is not certain but we will come back to it after 2-3 months and let's see if it rooted.


Nice job kabayan, hoping na it will succeed.

Thank you kabayan.♥️

Welcome kabayan.

 6 months ago  

I've only seen this technique in videos, have never done it myself. I hope it works out for you. Good luck!

Thanks,🙏 I really hope it's gonna work and so I can follow on the other one 😁. Thank you so much for dropping by @erikah. I hope you have a wonderful day.

 6 months ago  

Marcotting is the easiest way to propagate a tree or a plant, and it's also the most reliable method for the plant's survival. You simply wait for its roots to develop within a month; just remember to water it regularly to prevent the soil from drying out.

Yup, noted that! Thank you for reminding me 😉