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RE: What did I learn from my garden this year?

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Yea, the break was needed and also some other things came up that I can't wait to share soon!

Back in the day, when my granny had cows we used to call those the cow pancakes! xD Those would have worked for the deed perfectly!

Oh no! Poor tomato plants! And no delicious produce for salads and canning! I am sorry but I can't help but laugh out loudly when I just read the last bit about having the last laugh! xD What a silly creature! Hope he was delicious too ahaha!

Thank you for sharing your awesome stories, they always cheer me up! Hugs


Ooh!! I love the element of anticipatory surprise! Can't wait for the sharing of things!

Ahh, the cow pancakes, so many memories, soo much mischief, heh....

Flynn (the steer) was absolutely delicious, and I'm sure fairly tender from gorging on all that acid fruit, big brat. I loved him though lol, and I'm glad you got a guffaw out of that story, I still giggle a bit about it too on occasion, usually when I get a pack of steaks out of the freezer😁

Thank you for making my day with your awesomeness! Hugs right back at ya!