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RE: My garden last year. Part I: starting everything over

in HiveGardenlast year

Are your pots made of clay? I like it.

They are coconut coir (compressed coconut husks) pots. They usually last only one season, but since they are organic matter I can compost the old pots that are falling apart once they are no longer needed.

Clay pots would last me a lot longer, but I believe they would also be way more expensive and I would need a shed to store them. Maybe one day I will make my own clay pots :)

Your greenhouse and your seedlings are all set. ☺️
Good luck on your gardening.☺️

Thank you so much! I am so excited about the garden in 2023! It will be even grander. I hope at least. The only problem I have ran into is, that sometimes life gets so busy. I hope it will slow down a bit.


They are coconut coir (compressed coconut husks) pots.

Wow, impressive.

I know you can do it. You're welcome. ☺️