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RE: Just call the guy

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Have you ever thought of having this type of robot lawn mowers? They seem to be doing a pretty good time at what they are designed for. I guess they will give you some free time.

I can understand all your thoughts, because I’ve been at the same situation a lot of times. I often prefer to take care of my home and some repairs rather than waste nerves with some repairmans. This costs me precious time with the family, that cannot be taken back. Pity that these people who can give you some good work are often busy and think that they can do whatever they want with your time and nerves.


the robo mowers destroy insect live to quite an extend.

I didn't know this, I'm not getting one but it is good to know.

Mowing the law once a week gives the insects a chance.
Mowing it constantly means a lot of them will leave...

I have a roomba and I only used it a few times, I guess I do enjoy doing this kind of manual labor man. Seems like it's also kind of cathartic to fix things at home by yourself!